Posted by on Jan 27, 2011 in #janathon, snow, strawberries | 2 Comments

Day 27 – another lottie runner day

Stats at the bottom for lovely checkers.

I ran to the allotment on the basis that when I got there I would get changed into my boots and jacket (stored there) and do some work before friends turned up to collect some mirrors and walking sticks (don’t ask!) and then I would run home again.

First mistake. I forgot we’d taken the roof off the shed because it was made of asbestos, and replaced it with a tarpaulin until we can get a proper roof. As a result, my boots had been dripped on. I wasn’t going to wear my Sauconys to dig in so we feet it was – urgh. Second mistake, in pulling on my old leather (actually somebody else’s old leather, then my teenage son’s leather, then my leather, so at least third hand) I pushed my arm up in the air and hit one of the pockets of water that had gathered in the tarpaulin that is acting as the shed roof, managed to hit it hard enough to either create a new hole or to dislodge something (dead leaf?) that was acting as a blockage, thus showering myself with icy water, right down the sleeve of my jacket.

I started to plant out the alpine strawberries and as I did, it began to snow. Seriously. Wet feet, wet arm, snow.

Can’t tell you how glad I was to take off my wet boots and socks, pull on my running socks and Sauconys, hang up my sodden jacket (now smelling of dead wet cow) and run home.

Distance – 1.98 k
Weather – snow
Mood – disgruntled
Strawberries planted – 7.


  1. Jules
    27th January 2011

    Well done running again after your dousing!
    Your lovely checker,
    Jules (@2011miles)

  2. Found art blog
    28th January 2011

    Bad day, then, huh?!


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