A quickie My copy of Fractured West arrived today – it is gorgeous, truly so! This fact pleases me immensely as I have an ultra-short story in it, called Billie on Sunday. Kudos to the team that put this first edition together, long may their work continue. Mini reviews Broken by Karen Fossum, published by […]

Novel Review: The Noise of Strangers Robert Dickinson and I have workshopped together quite a lot, and I was delighted to discover that he has had a novel published by Myriad – with typical modesty, he hadn’t told me! What can I say about The Noise of Strangers? Well, that’s more difficult a question than […]

Absence much lamented (by me!) I’ve just got back from having a hot stone massage – it was truly relaxing (apart from the corrugated mark on my forehead where it was resting on a towel and which looks absurdly like somebody tried to strangle the top of my head with a very thick rope) and […]