In print This is Libbon, a very stylish British short story magazine which is onto its fourth issue and has printed my story ‘Passing’. Look them up at:http://www.libbon.co.uk/index.htm – and maybe take out a subscription. Just think of it this way – you’d only have to give up about half a latte or capuccino a […]
The Champagne Method of Writing Picking up on both Sara and Martin’s comments, I want to grab this chance to reiterate my belief system (or part of it) in relation to writing. I didn’t train as a writer, and came to the profession late. As a result, my techniques are based in other disciplines and […]

Book Launches – beware, I’m biting back! This is Clotilde Desoulier, blogger and author of Chocolate & Zucchini, at her London book launch at the French Institute. I have been reading her excellent blog of the same name as the book for a couple of years, partly because I love to cook, and partly out […]
A parting of the ways I have had an email from a lovely former client. By mutual agreement (rather bewildered on his side) we agreed, months ago, that the coaching relationship we’d established wasn’t going to work. He still can’t quite understand why. The reason is simple though – he likes to suffer. Not in […]
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