A quickie My copy of Fractured West arrived today – it is gorgeous, truly so! This fact pleases me immensely as I have an ultra-short story in it, called Billie on Sunday. Kudos to the team that put this first edition together, long may their work continue. Mini reviews Broken by Karen Fossum, published by […]

Why writers need technology Here’s the thing – I’ve had a story published! Yippee and all that. Well, more than one story actually. I’m tempted to use the term several in relation to the number, which is something that as a beginning writer I could never have imagined. Who could ever say, airily, ‘Oh, I’ve […]
2010 is a better writing year already … Last year was depressing beyond expression (which is probably why I spent the year writing a novel about autism, suicide, adoption and race! Art imitating life etc) but already I am enjoying 2010 more because: On 5th February a story of mine is being read aloud at […]

Catching up Those who know me best don’t want to know any of my writing news, they are only interested in the kittens! Toulouse and Montpellier arrived on Tuesday and are doing their best to destroy the house, my patience and the dogs’ nerve in about that order. Other things have been happening that are […]

Strange, serious and sundry success Strange and serious went hand-in-hand on the day I met fellow writer Jo Horsman in Brighton for coffee. The serious bit was the wide-ranging discussion about all things writerly, and the strange was the passer-by who was taking his corn snake for a walk through the middle of town … […]

The second Australian publication … … arrived in the post on Friday. Sadly it wasn’t accompanied by another bar of Green & Black’s chocolate so I must accept without equivocation that magazines in which I feature, even if all the way from the Antipodes, do not necessarily arrive on the same day as a free […]
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