Janathon Day 18 – the miraculous properties of new kit As a writer I know the power of the new notebook – sometimes beneficent, sometimes malign. A fresh notebook can spark a new project, or condemn a writer to the blank white shyness of the empty page through writer’s block. For me it’s always the […]

Not a Writing Neurosis but a Writing Indulgence For years I resisted the Moleskine notebook, believing it to be the preserve of the poseur writer (and I’m not wrong about that, but it’s not the SOLE preserve of the poseur writer, that’s the point) but a clever friend gave me a Moleskine and immediately I […]

Writing, writers and humbleness I’m going to start by sending you off! Please go and read Fiona’s excellent account of why it’s sometimes important to spend more than necessary – it’s here: Cottage Smallholder. Okay, so what have Tesco’s mushrooms got to do with frugal writers? Very simply, sometimes making the investment in your writing […]

Writer’s shock not writer’s block This is going to surprise those who know me in real life. I’m taking a week’s holiday next month! Yup. No internet, no editing, no blogging … I can’t say no writing, as I’m packing my moleskines and writing pens, but nothing with a keyboard. I’m going back to the […]