Strategy (and tactics) for fiction writers

I spend a lot of time coaxing (and coaching) writers into becoming prolific submitters of work (which, of course, requires them to be prolific writers – a useful by-product) and use my own record as an example of what a half-way competent but commited writer can achieve. This is called broadcast submission – basically it means having an agreed number of unpublished works (let’s say ten) in hand at all times, and having all ten out for consideration at at least one publication, at all times.

But there’s a step beyond this, and it’s the tactical approach. The distinction between tactics and strategy is important for people who want a career in fiction. Strategy is high level stuff – for example, I’d love to be published in the New Yorker, so I send stuff to them three or four times a year. I have a rough idea what they publish and what format it has to be sent in, and a very clear idea that almost nothing they publish is:

1 – non-American
2- non-agented
3-not accompanied by a personal introduction to a high up honcho.

So my strategy is just to pick what might suit them, and stick it in the post, without hope or expectation.

But there have been a couple of places that I really wanted to get published recently – places that were more likely to be within my reach – and for them I had both strategy and tactics.

The strategy was the same, send them stuff that matched their publication ethos without hope or expectation, but the tactics were what mattered, and they were:

1 – to read each issue of each publication, noting the themes of their chosen fiction, the editorial commentary and the other places, events and people they chose to publicise – this gave me a clear idea what they liked
2 – to google each publication and see what was said about it in reviews and blogs – that gave me a clear idea of the readership for that publication
3 – to send something that matched the reader profile and the publication aesthetic EACH and EVERY time there was a submission call.

It took eight months to place with the first publication, fifteen with the second and twenty-two months with the third. As I’d given myself till the end of this year to succeed with them all, I have three months of ‘targeted publication’ 2007 left, now I’ve achieved my aims, which I shall spend eating grapes peeled by dancing boys and drinking deep from the fountain of literature!

Seriously though – deciding where to have a strategy, and where to have a strategy plus tactics, means that you focus your efforts on achievable success. If the New Yorker took something, it would be like winning the lottery, but my three sucessful tactical approaches have been more in the nature of Premium Bonds – not huge wins, but welcome all the same. And never forget that the New Yorker is more likely to publish successful writers, so every submission that succeeds moves you closer to that jackpot!


  1. Anonymous
    20th September 2007

    I really admire your determination, Kay, it makes me feel like the laziest writer in the world. It’s good to be reminded of what a tough field the short fiction market is. Out of interest, are you going to name any names of the publications you aimed at and scored with?

  2. Kay Sexton
    20th September 2007

    Hi Sophie, when that final story is published I might indeed name names, but until then (next month?) I’m superstitious enough not to jinx myself …

  3. TitaniaWrites
    20th September 2007

    Exactly! It’s not just sending stories out, it’s knowing the right place to send the right story. That’s what I keep telling everyone. Don’t just send to the NewYorker because it is a big name, send to publications whose work you actually like! If you like to read it, if it speaks to you, and we assume that you write things that you like to read… well, surely you have a better chance of placing stories.

  4. Charles Lambert
    21st September 2007

    Well done (though I expect no less)! I’m actually using this post to tell you that I’ve tagged you to my blog (blame Elizabeth Baines, who did it to me) in the hope that you’ll reveal a series of embarrassing facts about yourself to all your readers. Is this likely? Don’t worry if you’re not in the mood. You’ll need to go to my blog to find out more. Tempted?

  5. Vanessa G
    23rd September 2007

    A brillint and grounded piece of advice Kay.

    Can I echo it? When I was building a ‘CV’ of short fiction publications (to mitigate for age and spreading waistline!) I worked systematically… targeting particular publications with work that seeme to ‘chime’ with their tone and content, and when some rejected me, not giving up. Re-subbing elsewhere.

    I found that mostly, yhe editors were great, supportive, communicative. The one or two who weren’t had a negative effect… and now, looking back, I see that really, that was their problem, not mine.

    As you say, having a number of pieces ‘out there’ circulating, the constant production of more pieces to send out (I would often write flash just to get five/six more pieces out) reminds you that this is what you ‘do’ now. You’re a writer. The thought that today, I might hear from… is great. The process affirms the journey, if you like.

    I am so glad you are guiding others to do this.


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