Somebody emailed to ask if I’ve stopped making bread. Not so! The thing is, I make bread two or three times a week and one loaf looks very much like another (very much like Enid Blyton’s Famous Five novels, according to my disapproving mother when I was a girl, although I remember them as being full of fascinating adventure) so I assumed the reader didn’t need a constant procession of identical loaves. So here is today’s – it’s half white and half wholemeal flour, with some sesame seeds for quiet interest.
And what else is going on? Well not a lot of writing, if I’m to be honest with you. Novel revisions yes, although as of today I think they are done (I bloody hope so!) at last. Mainly I’ve been thinking about Saturday’s creative writing group at Crawley library and wondering if it will be as hot as last month and, if so, what the bare minimum is that one can wear. The class is marvellous; I’ve had some fantastic 50 word stories from participants this week, but it was perishing hot as there’s some kind of heating fault or problem and I really hope it’s sorted now.
And when I haven’t been revising the novel with my teeth gritted (I am so bored by my own words that I could cry) or thinking about Crawley’s creative writers, I’ve been fine-tuning Recession-Proof Writing, which is the day-long workshop I’m giving in Oxford on 10 April. I’m really looking forward to it and hoping that the weather will be kind so that I can see Oxford at its best in the few free moments I shall get during the day.
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