End of Year Statistics Submissions/Acceptances/Rejections

Well, it’s that time of year again, and I’ve opened my submissions programme and worked through my year’s activities. Here’s a sad confession (second one in seven days!) I’m really very crap at numbers and statistics are an arcane mystery to me. So it took me as long to work all this out as it would have to write a flash fiction. Isn’t that terrible?

Anyway, to the nuts and bolts:

• Submissions = 122

• Acceptances = 33

• Rejections = 71

• Pending = 18

• Still pending from 2007 = 7 (hmmm …)

This is a lower submission rate than 2007, but I have written a novel in the twelve intervening months, which cuts down on one’s ability to write and send out short fiction.

Am I happy with this set of figures? Yes, although had one of the acceptances been a radio play I would have been truly happy, not just mostly happy. Getting a radio play accepted was on my 2007 goal list, and although I got close, I didn’t get my coconut, so it’s back on the 2008 list and I really hope that with the help of my excellent producer I shall be able to produce a wholly happy set of stats this time next year.

And you … how did you do?


  1. What and why
    1st January 2009

    Hello Kay (assuming I have the right Kay Sexton)

    I just wanted to drop you a line to say how much I enjoyed the piece in Gastronomica – one of those pieces that inevitably gets you thinking about your own attitudes to food and growing up

    I remembered my own first encounter with avocado – 1973 ish – my first year at university and having dinner at my tutor’s house

    I’d never seen or tasted one – but I’d heard of it so I knew what it was (sort of) — I felt very sophisticated indeed


    Geoff Nicholson
    (sometime Ambit guy)

  2. Kay Sexton
    2nd January 2009

    Thank you Geoff. It is the right Kay Sexton and I’m glad you enjoyed the essay. Writing about food is one of my neuroses – I can’t understand why there isn’t more (and better) food writing when we are all so preoccupied with our diets, our weight and out-Jamieing or out-Nigellaing our relatives and friends.


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