And the glorious A.L. Kennedy shares her own experience of the Moniack Mohr course here! I’d love to pretend she wrote this as a response to my humble journaling on the subject but no … it’s just a coincidence. And I’m sure the rogue apostrophe in the last sentence is a typo …
What interested me most about this (apart from the fact that I’d managed to fool a tremendously astute woman into believing I was one of the ‘charming’ of this world – or maybe she was just being nice) was her response to the film/TV industry almost entirely matches my own gut feelings on listening to her, and two other accomplished film/stage/TV writers, talking about the process of getting something ‘made’.
In other news, I have spent the entire day baking: apple tart, chocolate banana cake, beetroot and cheese pie and bread, rather than deal with the chronology problems in the novel I am currently writing. Bah humbug, I am still a procrastinator, even if procrastination produces baked goods. Must do better tomorrow – less flour, more words!
PS These cows are Highland Cattle – I passed them on my daily walk around Moniack Mohr – they are not visual commentary on A.L. who is rather gorgeous, or the other charming people who took part in the residential week.
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