Posted by on Aug 24, 2008 in Uncategorised | 5 Comments

Illness strikes

My house is like a plague zone – another Bank Holiday weekend will bite the dust. Back when Florence Nightingaling permits, with musings on titles and covers and what makes people pick certain books from bookshelves.

Illness courtesy of ghindo


  1. Mark Hubbard
    24th August 2008

    Hope you get well soon, Kay.

  2. Quillers
    25th August 2008

    I hope you’re feeling better soon, Kay. I’m sure illness waits until these times when our bodies relax enough to let the germs in.

  3. pierre l
    25th August 2008

    As above, except that it sounds as though your entire household is ill.

  4. Shelley Marlow
    26th August 2008

    Kay, rest well to a speedy recovery. Oh, and Happy Birthday!


  5. Kay Sexton
    28th August 2008

    I’m baaaack! Thanks for your good wishes. I am still sniffly but happily back at my desk and pounding the keyboard. Both my men have cavernous coughs though, so I feel I should be writing a novel about Victorian consumptives rather than the rather upbeat eighties disco short story I’m actually working on!


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