A thing of beauty,
… and a joy forever. The latest issue of Night Train (VI) arrived late last week and I’ve been revisiting the stories we selected and gloating over the cover. I joined NT as an Associate Editor (AE) part way through this issue, so some stories were new to me and others were ones I’d deliberated on with the rest of the team. It’s an incredible buzz to see all that work become ‘real’ and I hope the writers think we did their work credit.
Rusty Barnes and Alicia Gifford have taught me so much over the past year, and I know working as an AE has improved my own writing a thousandfold. To cap it all, this issue’s stopping place is Normal, Illinois, and that is a name to conjure with. Visit NT, glory in the issue VI cover here: issue VI contents and ponder if you will, what it must be like to live in Normal.
1 Comment
Alicia Gifford
26th June 2006Hugs and kisses to you!