Yesterday was a day without computer. So double duty today! First a round up of fun and good things elsewhere in the blogosphere …
Jim Ruland set a jolly little contest and garnered some thought provoking replies – visit Click for Jim’s comp and add your own comments
Bunny Goodjohn had some good advice for aspiring book promotors at
Bunny’s sage words
And Jai Claire had a guest reviewer commenting on the new novel by Roger Morris at Review of Taking Comfort
As for me, I went to London and looked at a Living Roof; ran around like a crazy person doing too much work that wasn’t writing related; and garnered six rejections and four acceptances. That’s a record, by the way – I’ve often got six rejections in a week before, but never four acceptances.
19th May 2006You’re my new role model. Good work. Please teach me, I am putty…
24th May 2006Thanks for the mention Kay! Are you posting to your blog every day now? That’s very impressive.